Dr. Kate Lance (Yaale Egyetem) adta közre ma a GSDI jogi és társadalmi-gazdasági szakbizottsága levelező rovatában:
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New England Collaborative Data Management Curriculum
NECDMC is an instructional tool for teaching data management best practices to undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers in the health sciences, sciences, and engineering disciplines. Each of the curriculum’s six online instructional modules aligns with the U.S. National Science Foundation’s data management plan recommendations and addresses universal data management challenges. Included in the curriculum is a collection of actual research cases that provides a discipline specific context to the content of the instructional modules. These cases come from a range of research settings such as clinical research, biomedical labs, an engineering project, and a qualitative behavioral health study. Additional research cases will be added to the collection on an ongoing basis. Each of the modules can be taught as a stand-alone class or as part of a series of classes. Instructors are welcome to customize the content of the instructional modules to meet the learning needs of their students and the policies and resources at their institutions.
Module 1: Overview of Research Data Management
Module 2: Types, Formats, and Stages of Data
Module 3: Contextual Details Needed to Make Data Meaningful to Others
Module 4: Data Storage, Backup, and Security
Module 5: Legal and Ethical Considerations for Research Data
Module 6: Data Sharing & Reuse Policies
Module 7: Archiving and Preservation (In Progress)
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